Ever Regret a Vote
There’s nothing worse than voting for the wrong candidate! Don’t let this happen to you! ProLife Voter Guides Now Available for Federal, State, and Local Races!
FLVotesValues.com has now released the 2018 Primary Election Voter Guides for Alachua, Brevard, Indian River, Lee, Lake, Marion, Okaloosa, Saint Lucie, and Walton Counties. In addition, the Clay Family Policy Forum has produced a local voter guide for Clay County. Candidates from all races were given an opportunity to participate in the voter guide. Visit the Voter Guide Page to download the 2018 Primary Election Voter Guide today.
View Our’s PAC’s List of Endorsed, ProLife Candidates
View Personhood FL ProLife PAC’s list of Endorsed ProLife Candidates running for federal, state, district, and local races in St Lucie County and throughout Florida, now with over 65 endorsed candidates!
Federal and State Voter Guides
We do have a link to an interactive voter guide covering all state and federal election for the entire state of Florida. Visit the FL Votes Values Federal and State Voter Guide Page and click on the iVoter Guide link to view the interactive voter guide.
Judicial Voter Guides
In select races, we do have judicial recommendations and a link to the FL Family Policy Council Judicial Voter Guide. View our Judicial Voter Guide Page here.
Help Spread the Word!
Help Personhood FL spread the word about the voter guide by sharing this email with your friends, printing and distributing voter guides in your church and community, sharing our voter guides on Facebook, and by making a generous donation today.
Want to Help Create a Local Voter Guide for Your County?
If your county is not listed above and you would like to see a local voter guide produced for your county, visit PersonhoodFL.com and submit the form at the bottom of the page to let us know you want to help, or if you can’t volunteer, please donate so that we can pay someone to produce a local voter guide for your county.
Where do the candidates in your county stand on the issues that matter most to you? Which candidates believe our laws and ordinances should be based on the Bible? Which candidates are prolife? Which candidates support requiring businesses to allow individuals to use the bathroom they self-identify with rather than the bathroom that matches the gender on their birth certificate? Which candidates support reducing taxes and reigning in government spending? Which candidates will give your hard earned tax dollars to fund planned parenthood or condom distribution? Which candidates would march in a gay pride parade? Which candidates would force businesses and churches to participate in homosexual marriages? Which candidates care enough about your vote to respond to the candidate survey? Visit the Voter Guide Page to download the 2018 Primary Election Voter Guide today.
Voter Registration
If you aren’t registered to vote or you have moved since the last election, visit your local supervisor of elections office to register or update your registration, or visit the Florida Division of Elections website to register online. Remember, our founders gave us the right to vote for those who rule over us. If we fail to do our duty or don’t use due diligence in researching the candidates, we get the government we deserve!
The Important Trust of Voting!
“Consider well the important trust . . . which God . . . [has] put into your hands. . . . To God and posterity you are accountable for [your rights and your rulers]. . . . Let not your children have reason to curse you for giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which your fathers delivered to you. . .” Matthias Burnett, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Norwalk, An Election Sermon, Preached at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12, 1803.

Local Voter Guide
Actually, what is worse than voting for the wrong candidate is distributing the results of a survey that is biased and doesn’t ask questions that produce answers on the candidates stand related to the position they are running for. Anyone can hold down a church pew, and even stand behind the pulpit and preach, that does not necessarily make then a real Christian! Honesty, compassion and integrity, those things, in my opinion is what the lord will judge you on, not how many times a month you go to church. Besides which, religious questions have no place, per the constitution (remember, separation of church and state), on a survey of government candidates. I thinking those 8 of 13 who didn’t response, did so for this very reason! You and your biased survey was of absolutely no help to me or anyone else who wants to know how the candidate stands on matters of the school district they are running for!
Our candidate survey does include questions directly related to the school board. It also contains questions that help reveal the character of the candidate. God instructs in Exodus 18:21 – “Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens.” By the way, this passage is where our founding fathers came up with our system of local, state, and federal governments.
Our first US Supreme Court Justice John Jay said this, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian nation, to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”
I’m wondering though if you’ve ever read the constitution because the separation of church and state is not in the constitution! Our founding fathers many times applied biblical principles to government. I suggest that you read the US Constitution and visit http://www.WallBuilders.com where you can read quotes where the founding fathers reference God, the Bible, and even Jesus Christ in calling Americans to repent of their sins and turn back to God. The truth is available. You don’t need to remain ignorant!