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Lake County Voter Guide

Lake County Voter Guide

Lake County Voter Guide

Click on a link below to view voter guides for local, state, federal, and judicial races as well as proposed constitutional amendments.

Florida Votes Values Local Voter Guide for Lake County, FL. Read complete candidate surveys for each candidate who responded below.

List of Personhood Florida ProLife PAC Endorsed Candidates Covering all Florida Counties.

Florida State and Federal Voter Guide for All FL Counties.

Judicial Voter Guide Covering all Florida Counties.

Voter Guide for Proposed Constitutional Amendments.

Complete Candidate Surveys

The following candidate surveys were used to compile the local voter guide. The candidate’s names appear in the same order they appear on the voter guide. These candidate surveys do include more questions than are included in the voter guide, and in some cases, they also include comments from the candidates that explain their position more clearly.

Carlos Lugo, Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District 1

Velma S. Dawson, N Lake Hospital Board NE Seat 2

Barbara M. Price, N Lake Hospital Board NE Seat 2

Tyler Brandeburg, Lake County School Board District 2

Ludy Lopez, Lake County School Board District 2

Jim Miller, Lake County School Board District 2

Peter E. Tarby, Lake County School Board District 5

Voter Registration

If you aren’t registered to vote or you have moved since the last election, visit your local supervisor of elections office to register or update your registration, or visit the Florida Division of Elections website to register online.  Remember, our founders gave us the right to vote for those who rule over us. If we fail to do our duty or don’t use due diligence in researching the candidates, we get the government we deserve!

The Important Trust of Voting!

“Consider well the important trust . . . which God . . . [has] put into your hands. . . . To God and posterity you are accountable for [your rights and your rulers]. . . . Let not your children have reason to curse you for giving up those rights and prostrating those institutions which your fathers delivered to you. . .” Matthias Burnett, Pastor of the First Baptist Church in Norwalk, An Election Sermon, Preached at Hartford, on the Day of the Anniversary Election, May 12, 1803.

Click on the links above to find voter guides for each county to find voter guides for local, state, federal, and judicial elections as well as proposed constitutional amendments. These voter guides cover races for the following positions when that race is on the ballot: mayor, city council, county commission, school board, FL House of Representatives, Florida Senate, attorney general, governor, US Congress, United States Senate, President of the United States, chief financial officer, commissioner of agriculture, public defender, district attorney, property appraiser, tax collector, supervisor of elections, county judge, circuit court judge, clerk of the circuit court, FL supreme court judge, and proposed constitutional amendment ballot initiatives.

Lake County Voter Guide

Lake County Voter Guide

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Lake County Current Voter Guide Link

Click on a link below to view voter guides for local, state, federal, and judicial races as well as proposed constitutional amendments. Florida Votes Values Local Voter Guide for Lake County, FL. Read complete candidate surveys for each candidate who responded below. List of Personhood Florida ProLife PAC Endorsed Candidates Covering all Florida Counties Coming Soon. …


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    • virginia on August 6, 2018 at 11:59 am
    • Reply


    1. Virginia,
      The links above will take you to our local voter guide, the Interactive voter guide covering state and federal races, and a list of candidates endorsed by Personhood FL ProLife PAC.

    • Robert D Gallik on October 8, 2018 at 8:25 am
    • Reply

    If I don’t understand the Amendment can I leave it Bank?

    1. As an American, you are free to vote your conscience on any issue or race; however, we do now have a constitutional amendment voter guide from the Florida Family Policy Council available on this page, and we will also have a sermon preached by Pastor Bryan Longworth on the proposed amendments by October 15. Visit our Constitutional Voter Guide Page for more information.

    • Dorothy on November 3, 2018 at 9:37 pm
    • Reply

    Is there a voter guide for Polk Co. ?

    1. We’d love to have a local voter guide in Polk County, but we don’t have any volunteers in that county to produce one. If you would like to see a local voter guide produced for your county, visit and submit the form at the bottom of the page to let us know you want to help, or if you can’t volunteer, please donate so that we can pay someone to produce a local voter guide for your county.

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